LPC55Sxx - Preparing files for programming (Secure Binary)

LPC55Sxx - Preparing files for programming (Secure Binary)

Used software to transform the original file and generate the necessary files:

  • MCUXpresso Secure Provisioning Tool - version 4.0.


MCUXpresso Secure Provisioning Tool

  • Select the path for the New Workspace, Series and Processor. Choose “Create”.

  • Select the Boot Type. Only the "Signed", "Encrypted (PRINCE) with CRC", and "Encrypted (PRINCE) and Signed" options generate a Secure Binary file.

  • After selecting the boot image type, generate/add the necessary certificates/keys. Choose “PKI managment”.

  • Select "Generate keys" on the PKI managment page.

  • When the configuration is complete, click “Generate”.

  • Once the keys have been generated/added, return to page one. Choose “Bulid image”.

  • Select the location of the executable image source file, the start address and bootable image path.

  • Select “TrustZone pre-configuration“ and ROT image depending on your needs.

  • Generate randomly or enter your SBKEK. SBKEK is necessary to decrypt secure binary file.

  • If you want to enable an additional security option, you can select the “PFR Configuration”.

  • Additional configuration data and additional security can be set in the "CFPA" and "CMPA" windows. Confirm the changes by clicking the “OK” button.

  • Click "Bulid Image" button. Now there is a Secure Binary file in the bootable_images folder in the workspace.

The necessary files can be found:

  • SB file - "C:\..\bootable_images\lpc55s06.sb",

  • CMPA file - “C:\..\gen_sb\cmpa_sealed.bin” or "C:\..\gen_sb\cmpa_non_sealed.bin",

  • CFPA file - "C:\..\gen_sb\cfpa.bin",

  • SBKEK - “C:\..\gen_scripts\sbkek.txt”.


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