XStreamPro-Iso: Ethernet connectivity

XStreamPro-Iso: Ethernet connectivity

This page describes how to find the X2S adapter on your LAN using the FlashPro/GangPro-ARM GUI.

  1. Connect the X2S adapter to your LAN hub/switch using an Ethernet cable. If you have a Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) switch this will also power the adapter.

  2. Optionally, if you don't have PoE, also connect a USB cable to the X2S adapter to provide power.

  3. Turn on the GUI, you will get a warning that no adapter is connected, ignore it.

  4. Go to: Setup->Communication Options

  5. Top of the window select Communication via Ethernet/LAN

  6. Top right select your desired interface, and press Scan. Depending on your security settings you might need administrator privileges to run the scan (It's a ping loop that scans all local IP addresses on the selected interface).

  7. Scan result:

    LAN ping scan results
  8. You should find an adapter in the drop-down list.  Press copy button.

  9. In the middle window, select: LAN Connection->IP

  10. The adapter's IP address should be entered there.

  11. Press Test Connection, if pass it should work from now on by default on this IP.

  12. If using library on Windows or Linux. The configuration file is shown in: C:\Program Files (x86)\Elprotronic\ARM\API-DLL\bin\win32\FPAsIP.ini  or libfpgparm-x.x.x_arch/LinuxCommandLineDemo/FPAsIPs.ini.

    This file should be passed to F_OpenInstancesAndFPAs to find adapters over Ethernet. Change IPs to match.
    FPAsIPs.ini contents:

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