ST firmware upgrade service (FUS) for STM32WB Series

ST firmware upgrade service (FUS) for STM32WB Series

The GangFlasher-ST software allows the user to execute firmware upgrade service (FUS) for up to 8 targets simultaneously. These operations include: (1) delete old stack, (2) program new stack, (3) write new user key, (4) update authentication key, (5) lock authentication key, and (6) updating of old FUS firmware. All the aforementioned operations can be performed as part of the AutoProgram procedure.

1. FUS programming setup using Elprotronic’s GangFlasher-ST using GUI

  1. Open GangFlasher-ST

  2. Check connection with the board or scan (Setup→USB Location)

  3. Load HEX file(*.hex) in main window.

  4. Open Firmware Upgrade Services window(Setup → FUS →FUS Setup)

  • Check “Enable” box Fuse Programming area to allow execution of FUS operation during AutoProgram

  • Check “Delete previous firmware” box to delete older installed stack (it's not necessary during first install, but mandatory for upgrading already programmed targets)

  • Check “Upgrade FUS version in AutoProgram” box to automatically update FUS version to the latest version (this is highly recommended, as newer stacks can only be programmed by the latest FUS firmware)

  • Check “Auth Key Enable” box and set path (Auth Key path) using browse button to update authentication key

  • Check “Lock Authentication Key” box to lock already used authentication key (this cannot be undone)

  • Check “User Key Enable” box and set path (User Key path) using browse button to add new user keys (FUS supports the storage of 101 keys - 1 master key and 100 clear/encrypted keys)

  • Select User key type which you want write (simple, master or encrypted)

5. Press “AUTO PROG.”(or “Write”) button to execute FUS operation.

6. View report for target in Reports area.

2. FUS read status using Elprotronic’s GangFlasher-ST using GUI

GangFlasher-ST allow to read actual FUS status, state, FUS version, and stack version.

  1. Open GangFlasher-ST

  2. Check connection with the board or scan (Setup→USB Location)

  3. Open Firmware Upgrade Services Status window (Setup→FUS→FUS Status)

  4. Select target to read status

  5. Click “Read” button to read target FUS status

Useful links

STMicroelectronics application notes and user manuals:

[1] AN5185 - ST firmware upgrade services for STM32WB series

[2] AN3156 - USB DFU protocol used in the STM32 bootloader

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