Target Connection Demo

Target Connection Demo


Configuration file

In order to run the example project on the microcontroller you have, you will need a configuration file for the programmer. The easiest and fastest way is to use FlashPro-ARM GUI. In the "Microcontroller Type" area select the appropriate model and check "Verify Access" if the connection works.

If the communication was successful then confirmation is in the report window. Then save the configuration File → Save Setup as…

The generated file will be used in the function: F_ConfigFileLoad(“config_file_path.cfg“)


  1. F_OpenInstancesAndFPAs

  2. F_Set_FPA_index

  3. F_Initialization

  4. F_ConfigFileLoad

  5. F_Open_Target_Device

  6. ... < sequential functions here > ...

  7. F_Close_Target_Device

Using Call Library Function Node

Using Imported Library

Instructions on how to import the .dll file as a LabVIEW library can be found here: Using the Import Shared Library Tool



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