12. Setup and Image Load and Save

12. Setup and Image Load and Save

Programming software can save configuration settings in the configuration files or save the whole setup configuration with used code contents and save it in the encrypted setup file. This allows the user to create several configuration or setup files, one for a particular task, and thus eliminates the need to manually change settings every time a different configuration is desired. Furthermore, the lastused.cfg file contains the most recently used settings and those settings will be used as default whenever the software is started.

12.1 Load and Save Setup

To create a configuration file simply select File→Save Setup. Current settings will be saved for future use. To restore configuration settings select File→Load Setup and select a file containing the settings you wish to restore.
In order to prevent accidental setup changes, the FlashPro-ARM Programmer provides the option to lock configuration settings. When the user selects the Setup→Lock/Unlock Setup option from the Setup menu, the FlashPro-ARM Programmer will prevent the user from modifying the setup. The only options that are available when the programmer setup is locked are "AUTO PROG.", "VERIFY FLASH", "READ / COPY", "Script", "NEXT", and "Clear Locked Device". Notice that the Next button will immediately change to implement the "AUTO PROG." function. To unlock the programmer setup the user must select the Save→Lock/Unlock Setup option.

12.2 Load and Save Image

The image contains more than the programmer's configuration only, but also the code file used in the image. Contents of the image file are encrypted, so it is not possible to read the contents of the code downloaded to the target device. When the image is opened then the same decryption key must be entered as was used in the encryption process, otherwise decryption will not succeed. Encryption key depends on the type of software used (e.g. FlashPro-ARM Programmer), the chosen password or destination PC's hardware fingerprint. Image file is CRC protected and CRC check is performed when the file is loaded.
The image can be protected with the destination PC hardware fingerprint or password protected. This allows to create the image that can be used only on the specific PC when the image is encrypted with the destination PC hardware fingerprint (useful in production) or to create the image that can be used only when the correct password is entered every time when the image is open. When the image is locked then only major buttons like "AUTO PROG." or "VERIFY ACCESS" are active and only a few pull-down menu items are accessible. All options that allow the user to read the code contents are blocked.
When creating a new image it is recommended to select the File→New Setup from pull down menu to automatically set the default option on all parameters and names used in the programmer. Next, choose the desired processor, code file and programming options (see all available options described in this manual). When this is done, verify if programmer works as expected. Subsequently, the current setup and code file can be saved as an image file. Select the File→Save Image as…. The following dialog will be displayed (Figure 12.1) that allows to select desired image options.
The screen shown in Figure 12.1 allows the user configure what type of security will be used to protect the image file. Three options are available, however for all three options the contents of the code file are always encrypted and cannot be read.

  1. Any PC - image can be opened on any computer using FlashPro-ARM Programmer software. It can be used for programming only.

  2. Any PC - Password protected - image can be opened on any computer using the FlashPro-ARM Programmer software, but only after the desired password has been entered.

  3. Selected PC - Hardware Fingerprint number - image can be opened only on the dedicated computer with the same hardware fingerprint number as the number entered in Figure 12.1 under "Selected PC - Hardware Fingerprint number". An example usage scenario would involve calling an intended user to provide the hardware fingerprint number of their computer and entering it within this configuration window. This will restrict opening this image to only the dedicated computer running FlashPro-ARM Programmer software.

PC's hardware fingerprint used for the image can be read by selecting the "PC Hardware fingerprint number" option from pull down menu
About/Help→PC Hardware Fingerprint Number
The message box show in Figure 12.2 is displayed when the option above is selected.
The screen shown in Figure 12.1 also allows the user to configure what type of locking options will be used for the image.

Figure 12.1: Image Options.

Figure 12.2: PC Hardware fingerprint.

Locked Image

  1. When not selected, then setup is not locked. All contents can be modified and all buttons are accessible.

  2. When selected then setup is locked. Almost all buttons are disabled (grayed) and almost all items in the pull down menu are disabled. It is possible to select to permanently lock the image, or select an option to unlock the image with a password. The unlock password cannot be the same as the password used for opening the image.

Locked Read options: When selected then code viewers and "READ / COPY" button are blocked and not allowed to read code contents that are downloaded to target device. If the security fuse is blown after programming the target device, then code cannot be seen by the staff downloading code to target devices.
Unlock with password: When setup is locked then it is possible to select option "Unlock with password" and specify up to 16 characters unlocking password. Password is case sensitive. Shown in Figure 12.3 is an Image Security Options dialog screen with selected options Image protection with Selected PC - Hardware Fingerprint number", locked and unlocked with password.
By default, image is not protected and not locked. This allows to create unprotected image and open it at any time on any PC without restrictions. All buttons and items on the dialog screen are enabled.

Figure 12.3: Image Options with security settings enabled and the password lock and unlock options specified.

12.3 Commands combined with the executable file

Configuration setup file can be opened using FileLoad Setup menu option or can also be opened using command line combined with the executable file name (a much more extensive command-line interface can be found in the Generic DLL package). Following command line options are available:

  • prj Image file name ( Open Image file )

  • sf Setup file name ( Open Setup file )

  • cf Code file name ( Open Code file )

  • nf IEEE/SN file name ( Open IEEE addresses / Serial number list file )

  • rf Script file name ( Run programming sequence from the Script File )

  • lock

When the -cf option is used, then code file name saved in the setup file (configuration file) is ignored and code file name specified with key -cf is used. When the -prj option is used, then the -sf, -cf, -rf options are ignored.
Using Windows START button (left bottom) select Run.. Using Browse.. find and select
executable file.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Elprotronic\ARM\FlashPro-ARM\FlashPro-ARM.exe

at the end enter the required key with the name of the setup file e.g.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Elprotronic\ARM\FlashPro-ARM\FlashPro-ARM.exe -sf E:\Elprotronic\MFG\prg-04.cfg

To fully lock the setup the extra key "-lock" can be added in the command line e.g.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Elprotronic\ARM\FlashPro-ARM\FlashPro-ARM.exe -lock -sf E:\Elprotronic\MFG\prg-04.cfg

The following setup can be created using Shortcut options which creates an icon located on the desktop. To do that move the cursor to inactive desktop area, click right mouse button and select New.
Using Browse… in the Create Shortcut dialog box select the following executable file

and at the end add the required command keys e.g.

Click button "Next" and follow instructions to create icon. Clicking on the selected icon FlashPro-ARM programming software will start with the selected configuration setup, and lock if specified.


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