5. Data Viewers

5. Data Viewers

5.1. Source Code File Viewer


Data from code files and flash memory can be viewed and compared in the Data Viewer. Contents of a selected code file can be viewed by selecting the View→Code File Data option. The Code data viewer, shown in Figure 5.1 and Figure 5.2, displays the code address on the left side, data in hex format in the central column, and the same data in ASCII format in the right column. Contents can be viewed using addressing by byte, 2 bytes, 4 bytes, or 8 bytes. When selecting addressing greater than one byte, the Little-Endian and Big-Endian ordering is also selectable. Lastly, for larger memories, and for viewing external SPI flash, the Page Address Select drop-down menu allows the viewer to load different areas of memory. Usually one page in the Data Viewer is limited to 2MiB of data. If some data within the input code file is present outside of valid flash memory addresses for the selected microcontroller, a warning message will be displayed first.

5.2 Target Flash Memory Viewer


Contents of Flash Memory Data can be viewed by selecting the View→Flash Memory Data option. To be able to see flash memory contents, the “READ / COPY” button must be used first (as described in Section 4.6.8). Actual data read in hex format is displayed with its value, and data not read explicitly are displayed as double dots "..".


Figure 5.1: Flash memory contents as read from the MCU using the FlashPro-ARM.
Figure 5.2: Flash memory contents as read from up to six MCUs using the GangPro-ARM.

5.3 Save Contents


Whether Code File Data or Flash Memory Data is viewed, the contents of the viewer can be saved to TI (*.txt) or Intel (.hex) file format by clicking on the TI hex or INTEL button.

5.4 Compare


Contents of the code file and flash memory can be compared and differences can be displayed in the viewer by selecting the View→Compare Code and Flash Data option. Only data that are not the same in the code file and flash memory will be displayed. The first line displays code file data, and the second line displays flash memory data as shown in Figure 5.3. If all the aforementioned data are identical, then a No difference found message will be displayed on the screen as shown in Figure 5.4.


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