Supported commands
The NXP Flasher communicates with the MCU via Serial Data Protocol (SDP). This protocol is used for the MCU Bootloader and Flashloader.
Communication with the MCU Bootloader is used to scan the MCU and load the indicated Flashloader binary file to the indicated RAM address and boot it from the indicated address.
If the Flashloader is loaded the following set of commands is used by the NXP Flasher:
DLL Function | Descritpion | Config File related values | Flashloader related command (sdphost/blhost) |
F_AutoProgram() | Execute a sequence of user-defined commands | Autoprogram_FileName | Supports all commands |
F_Connect() | Checking the connection to the target device with detection if the flashloader is already loaded. | MCU_VID, MCU_PID |
F_Load_Flashloader() | Sequence of loading and running the flashloader. | MCU_VID, MCU_PID | sdphost.exe -u MCU_VID,MCU_PID -- write-file Flashloader_Load_Address Flashloader_FileName sdphost.exe -u MCU_VID,MCU_PID -- jump-address Flashloader_Jump_Address |
F_MemoryConfig() | External memory configuration sequence. Uses two commands: loading configuration word and running configure memory. | Memory_Configuration_Address | blhost.exe -u -- fill-memory Memory_Configuration_Address 0x4 Memory_Configuration_Word1 blhost.exe -u -- configure-memory Memory_ID Memory_Configuration_Address |
F_Write() | Image file programming command depending on file type. | Image_FileName, | Extension of Image_FileName is .bin or .srec Extension of Image_FileName is .sb: |
F_Verify() | Comparison of data from file with data from programmed memory. |
F_Read() | Reading data from memory. |
| blhost.exe -u read-memory 0x3c0 32 myConfigData.dat |
F_OTP_Write() | Writing data from a file to OTP memory |
F_OTP_Verify() | Comparison of file data with OTP memory |
F_OTP_Read() | Reading data from OTP memory |
F_OTP_Lock() |
F_Erase() | Deleting the memory content | EraseAll, | flash-erase-region if EraseAll = 0: flash-erase-all if EraseAll = 1: |
F_GetProperty() |
| Property_Tag | blhost.exe -u Flashloader_VID,Flashloader_PID -- get-property Property_Tag |
F_SetProperty() |
| Property_Tag |