Generic Functions

Generic Functions

Having correctly configured the top-level Multi API-DLL using Multi API-DLL Functions, the functions in this section can be used to initialize and configure each FPA individually (and it’s API-DLL instance).

Generic functions read and write the API-DLL’s configuration, access status messages and can instruct the FPA to power or reset the target device. The functions described in this section require that each FPA already be opened using Multi API-DLL Functions | F_OpenInstancesAndFPAs.

After the following functions have been used to configure each FPA correctly for its target device, use Data Buffer Functions to determine what code should be written during programming. Finally, Encapsulated Functions can perform the process of programming, writing, erasing, verifying, etc., according to the aforementioned settings.


1. F_Initialization

General Description

Initialize FPA after it has been successfully opened using Multi API-DLL Functions | F_OpenInstancesAndFPAs. F_Initialization performs the following tasks:

  • all internal data is cleared and set to default values,

  • USB driver is initialized if has not been initialized before.

Select which FPA to initialize, using the function Multi API-DLL Functions | F_Set_FPA_index with desired parameter (0-all, 1-64 for individual FPA). After successful initialization, call Generic Functions | F_ConfigFileLoad to read settings from file, or configure settings manually using the function Generic Functions | F_Set_Config_Value_By_Name.

For backwards compatibility, F_Initialization will call F_OpenInstancesAndFPAs(*# *) if no instances are currently opened, and perform initialization on FPA 1. If Multi API-DLL Functions | F_OpenInstancesAndFPAs was already invoked successfully then initialization is performed on the selected FPA index from the function Multi API-DLL Functions | F_Set_FPA_index.

Default config file used to perform initialization is config.ini (Use F_Use_Config_INI(FALSE) to disable automatic load of config.ini).


INT_X F_Initialization( void );



Select FPA to perform operation on using Multi API-DLL Functions | F_Set_FPA_index, index 1 to 64. Use index 0 to perform operation on all FPAs (if results differ, use Multi API-DLL Functions | F_LastStatus to get individual results).


INT_X : result of operation

2. F_Use_Config_INI

General Description

Configure Generic Functions | F_Initialization to use (default) or skip config.ini file. When skipping config.ini it is necessary to use Generic Functions | F_ConfigFileLoad or Generic Functions | F_Set_Config_Value_By_Name functions to configure the adapter.


INT_X F_Use_Config_INI(BYTE use);


BYTE use : 1 to use config.ini, 0 to skip

Select FPA to perform operation on using Multi API-DLL Functions | F_Set_FPA_index, index 1 to 64. Use index 0 to perform operation on all FPAs (if results differ, use Multi API-DLL Functions | F_LastStatus to get individual results).


INT_X : result of operation

3. F_Get_Config_Name_List

General Description

Iterate over configuration parameter names, starting from index 0. Increase index until return is null character. Will return a pointer to a character array with name of parameter or null character once index is too high.

Requires the target FPA to be opened using Multi API-DLL Functions | F_OpenInstancesAndFPAs and initialized using Generic Functions | F_Initialization.


char * F_Get_Config_Name_List( INT_X index );


INT X : configuration parameter index, starting from zero. Increment until return value is null character.


Select FPA to perform operation on using Multi API-DLL Functions | F_Set_FPA_index, index 1 to 64.


char * : configuration parameter name

  • a valid character array pointer containing name of configuration parameter (do not free after use)

  • null character : end of parameter list

  • ”” : invalid fpa index, cannot be zero

4. F_Get_Config_Value_By_Name

General Description

Access the current FPA’s configuration. Use Generic Functions | F_Get_Config_Name_List to get configuration parameter names, then use them as input to this function. Select input type to validate name, and get current, minimum, maximum, and default values.

Because normal return values from this function can be any value, from 0 to 0xFFFFFFFF, it is important to pick a correct fpa index (use Multi API-DLL Functions | F_Check_FPA_index to validate) and validate the configuration parameter name first (using CONFSEL_VALIDATE), before retrieving the current, minimum, maximum or default values. Unless all FPAs are to be configured identically, avoid using FPA index 0 to prevent confusion in results (when results don’t match using FPA index 0 (all FPAs) the result is simply FPA_UNMATCHED_RESULTS (-1)).

Requires the target FPA to be opened using Multi API-DLL Functions | F_OpenInstancesAndFPAs and initialized using Generic Functions | F_Initialization.



char * name : parameter name INT X type : select action

  • CONFSEL VALIDATE (0) : returns TRUE if name was found in configuration list

  • CONFSEL VALUE (1) : returns current value of configuration parameter

  • CONFSEL MIN (2) : returns minimum value that this configuration parameter can have

  • CONFSEL MAX (3) : returns maximum value that this configuration parameter can have

  • CONFSEL DEFAULT (4) : returns default value for this configuration parameter if not set by user/file


Select FPA to perform operation on using Multi API-DLL Functions | F_Set_FPA_index, index 1 to 64. Use index 0 to perform operation on all FPAs (if results differ, use Multi API-DLL Functions | F_LastStatus to get individual results).


unsigned int : depends on input

  • FALSE (0) : failed name validation (CONFSEL_VALIDATE)

  • TRUE (1) : successful name validation (CONFSEL_VALIDATE)

  • any : actual parameter value, minimum and maximum bounds, and default value if not set by user/file (CONFSEL_VALUE, CONFSEL_MIN, CONFSEL_MAX, CONFSEL_DEFAULT)

  • -1 or 0xFFFFFFFF : name not found (avoid this by using CONFSEL_VALIDATE first)

  • FPA_UNMATCHED_RESULTS (-1 or 0xFFFFFFFF) : Result of operation inconsistent across all selected FPAs, refer to Multi API-DLL Functions | F_LastStatus

  • FPA_INVALID_NO (-2 or 0xFFFFFFFE) : FPA not opened with Multi API-DLL Functions | F_OpenInstancesAndFPAs or index out of range


Use the example code below to read full configuration:

5. F_Set_Config_Value_By_Name

General Description

Set the current FPA’s configuration. Use Generic Functions | F_Get_Config_Name_List to get configuration parameter names, then use them as input to this function. New value for configuration parameter will be trimmed by minimum and maximum values allowed for this parameter. If not initialized, this parameter will have a default value. Double check parameters after configuration using F_Get_Config_Value_By_Name.

Requires the target FPA to be opened using Multi API-DLL Functions | F_OpenInstancesAndFPAs and initialized using Generic Functions | F_Initialization.



char * name : parameter name

unsigned int newValue : assign new configuration parameter value (will be trimmed by min/max if necessary)


Select FPA to perform operation on using Multi API-DLL Functions | F_Set_FPA_index, index 1 to 64. Use index 0 to perform operation on all FPAs (if results differ, use Multi API-DLL Functions | F_LastStatus to get individual results).


INT_X : result of operation

6. F_Get_Device_Info

General Description

Get information about selected microcontroller.



INT_X : select type of information to receive

  • DEVICE_NAME (0) : get character 0, increase index up to 19 to get last character

  • DEVICE_FAMILY_INDEX (20) : Family Index (subset of MCU vendor, index 30)

  • DEVICE_GROUP_INDEX (21) : Group Index (subset of MCU family, index 20)

  • DEVICE_NAME_INDEX (22) : Name Index (subset of MCU group, index 21)

  • DEVICE_GROUP (23) : Obsolete

  • DEVICE_FLASH_START_ADDR (24) : Flash Start Address, i.e. 0x00000

  • DEVICE_FLASH_END_ADDR (25) : Flash End Address, i.e. 0x1FFFF

  • DEVICE_OTP_START_ADDR (26) : OTP Start Address, i.e. 0x400FE1E0

  • DEVICE_OTP_END_ADDR (27) : OTP End Address, i.e. 0x400FE1EF

  • DEVICE_RAM_START_ADDR (28) : RAM Start Address, i.e. 0x20000000

  • DEVICE_RAM_END_ADDR (29) : RAM Start Address, i.e. 0x20010000

  • DEVICE_VENDOR_INDEX (30) : Vendor Index (superset of all supported MCUs, i.e. company name)

  • DEVICE_EEPROM_START_ADDR (31) : EEPROM Start Address, i.e. 0x08080000

  • DEVICE_EEPROM_END_ADDR (32) : EEPROM End Address, i.e. 0x080803FF

  • DEVICE_COMM_INTERFACES (33) : MCU communication interfaces eg 0x30 ( COMM_JTAG | COMM_SWD

  • DEVICE_EXTFLASH_START_ADDR (34) : External Flash Start Address, i.e. 0x10000000

  • DEVICE_EXTFLASH_END_ADDR (35) : External Flash End Address, i.e. 0x1001FFFF

Select FPA to perform operation on using Multi API-DLL Functions | F_Set_FPA_index, index 1 to 64.


INT_X : value dependent on input parameter


Get MCU Info

7. F_Set_MCU_Name

General Description

Set target microcontroller name. A list of acceptable names can be obtained using the functions F_Set_MCU_Family_Group, F_Get_MCU_Name_list, and F_Search_MCU_Name.



char * MCU_name: Exact name of target microcontroller.


Select FPA to perform operation on using Multi API-DLL Functions | F_Set_FPA_index, index 1 to 64. Use index 0 to perform operation on all FPAs (if results differ, use Multi API-DLL Functions | F_LastStatus to get individual results).


INT_X : microcontroller index if successful

  • microcontroller index if input name was found and set, index is greater than or equal to zero (0)

  • -1 (0xFFFFFFFF) : name not found (avoid by getting list of proper names using F_Get_MCU_Name_list)

  • FPA_UNMATCHED_RESULTS (-1 or 0xFFFFFFFF) : Result of operation inconsistent across all selected FPAs, refer to Multi API-DLL Functions | F_LastStatus

  • FPA_INVALID_NO (-2 or 0xFFFFFFFE) : FPA not opened with Multi API-DLL Functions | F_OpenInstancesAndFPAs or index out of range

8. F_Search_MCU_Name

General Description

Get microcontroller names that match regular expression from selected vendor.



char * MCU_name_regex : regular expression. i.e.:

char * Vendor_filter : Preferably limit to one vendor only, to speed up search function especially in mode with more than first match result. i.e.:

int mode : search mode

  • 0, returns the first match to MCU_name_regex, a type (char *). Library will alloc and free this memory by itself, do not modify contents

  • 1, returns the pointer to a list of matches to MCU_name_regex, a type (char **). Library will alloc and free this memory by itself, do not modify contents

int flags : used to control mode 1 search

  • for mode 0, not used

  • for mode 1, max number of results to return > 0


Select FPA to perform operation on using Multi API-DLL Functions | F_Set_FPA_index, index 1 to 64.


void * : pointer to results

  • if mode 0 used, one char * name, or NULL if no match

  • if mode 1 used, a list of matches returned as (char **). The list will continue with string matches or NULL when search results have finished.

9. F_Reset_Config

General Description

Reset all configuration values to default values for selected MCU.





Select FPA to perform operation on using Multi API-DLL Functions | F_Set_FPA_index, index 1 to 64. Use index 0 to perform operation on all FPAs (if results differ, use Multi API-DLL Functions | F_LastStatus to get individual results).



10. F_Get_MCU_Name_list

General Description

Obtain a list of supported vendors, families, groups, and MCUs for the specified FPA. Use this function in conjunction with F_Set_MCU_Family_Group to get all supported MCU names. First obtain the names of supported vendors, then select one vendor. Then, for the selected vendor obtain the names of supported families, then select one family, etc.

The MCU names obtained from this function are the exact names used to configure the FPA using the function F_Set_MCU_Name for the target device you want to program.



INT_X type : specify which list to get names from

  • MCU_VENDOR_LIST (0) : get name of vendors enabled on this FPA

  • MCU_FAMILY_LIST (1) : get name of MCU families supported from the selected vendor

  • MCU_GROUP_LIST (2) : get name of MCU groups supported from the selected MCU family

  • MCU_NAME_LIST (3) : get name of MCU supported from the selected MCU group

INT_X index : list index starting from zero, increment until returned string is null character.


Select FPA to perform operation on using Multi API-DLL Functions | F_Set_FPA_index, index 1 to 64.


char * : Name of vendor, family, group, or MCU for the given index.

  • valid name : if correct parameters provided

  • ”” : incorrect FPA index provided (avoid using F_Check_FPA index)


Refer to F_Set_MCU_Family_Group.

11. F_Set_MCU_Family_Group

General Description

Select vendor, family, group and MCU index. Use this function in conjunction with F_Get_MCU_Name_list to get all supported MCU names. First obtain the names of supported vendors, then select one vendor. Then, for the selected vendor obtain the names of supported families, then select one family, etc.

Use MCU names to configure the FPA using the function F Set MCU Name. Use this function only to obtain the list of supported MCU names, not to configure the FPA. When NEW MCUs are supported then these indices will change.



INT_X type : specify which list to set index for

  • MCU_VENDOR_LIST (0) : set vendor index on this FPA

  • MCU_FAMILY_LIST (1) : set family index from the selected vendor

  • MCU_GROUP_LIST (2) : set group index from selected MCU family

  • MCU_NAME_LIST (3) : set MCU index from selected MCU group (use actual INT X index : set list index


Select FPA to perform operation on using Multi API-DLL Functions | F_Set_FPA_index, index 1 to 64. Use index 0 to perform operation on all FPAs (if results differ, use Multi API-DLL Functions | F_LastStatus to get individual results).


INT_X : result of operation


Extract MCU Part Number Directory

12. F_ReportMessage, F_Report_Message

General Description

Get the last report message from the programmer. When any of the DLL functions are called, an output message is usually created. The GUI uses these messages to print to the dialog box. The user application can use these messages to populate its own dialog box. The last report message can be read by user application using these functions.

When these functions are called, then a report message of up to REPORT_MESSAGE_MAX_SIZE characters is copied to the character array passed as input parameter, or in the case of the latter function, a pointer to a statically allocated character array is returned with the output message text.

Calling F_ReportMessage clears the message buffer. If F_ReportMessage is not called, then the report message will collect all reported information up to REPORT MESSAGE MAX SIZE most recent characters.



char * text : F_ReportMessage, allocated text buffer of up to REPORT_MESSAGE_MAX_SIZE (2000) characters.


Select FPA to perform operation on using Multi API-DLL Functions | F_Set_FPA_index, index 1 to 64.


char * : F_Report_Message, pointer to statically allocated character array containing output message text

13. F_GetReportMessageChar

General Description

Get one character from the report message buffer.



INT_X index : character index, starting from 0 to REPORT_MESSAGE_MAX_SIZE - 1.


Select FPA to perform operation on using Multi API-DLL Functions | F_Set_FPA_index, index 1 to 64.


char : character from report message buffer.

14. F_DLLTypeVer

General Description

Get information about DLL software type and version. This function returns integer number with DLL ID and software revision version and copies a text message to the report message buffer about DLL ID and software revision. Text content can als0 be read using F_ReportMessage, F_Report_Message, or F_GetReportMessageChar functions.





Select FPA to perform operation on using Multi API-DLL Functions | F_Set_FPA_index, index 1 to 64.


INT X : (DLL ID) | (0x0FFF & Version)

15. F_ConfigFileLoad

General Description

Modify programmer’s configuration according to data taken from specified configuration file. This setup will override previous values and leave omitted parameters untouched. When loaded for the first time, unspecified configuration parameters take on default values as given by Generic Functions | F_Get_Config_Value_By_Name. When calling this function multiple times with different configuration files, make sure to specify all relevant configuration parameters.

A configuration file can be created using the FlashPro-ARM/GangPro-ARM GUI software, or use the functions Generic Functions | F_Get_Config_Name_List, Generic Functions | F_Get_Config_Value_By_Name to extract a list of configuration names and values. The Generic Functions | F_Set_Config_Value_By_Name function can be used to set configuration parameters instead of Generic Functions | F_ConfigFileLoad.

Requires the target FPA to be opened using Multi API-DLL Functions | F_OpenInstancesAndFPAs and initialized using Generic Functions | F_Initialization.



char * filename : path to configuration file including filename and extension


Select FPA to perform operation on using Multi API-DLL Functions | F_Set_FPA_index, index 1 to 64. Use index 0 to perform operation on all FPAs (if results differ, use Multi API-DLL Functions | F_LastStatus to get individual results).


INT X : result of operation

  • FALSE (0) : failed

  • TRUE (1) : succeeded

  • STATUS_OPEN_FILE_ERROR (535) : could not open file

  • STATUS_CORRUPT_CONFIG_ERROR (554) : malformed configuration file (missing header, etc.)

  • FPA_UNMATCHED_RESULTS (-1 or 0xFFFFFFFF) : Result of operation inconsistent across all selected FPAs, refer to Multi API-DLL Functions | F_LastStatus

  • FPA_INVALID_NO (-2 or 0xFFFFFFFE) : FPA not opened with Multi API-DLL Functions | F_OpenInstancesAndFPAs or index out of range

16. F_Power_Target

General Description

Enable power from FPA to target device. For this function to have its desired effect, configuration settings “PowerFromFpaEn” must be set to 1. If “PowerFromFpaEn” is set to 0, then power from FPA is always off regardless of this function’s input parameter.



INT X : power setting

  • FALSE (0) : power off

  • TRUE (1) : power on


Select FPA to perform operation on using Multi API-DLL Functions | F_Set_FPA_index, index 1 to 64. Use index 0 to perform operation on all FPAs (if results differ, use Multi API-DLL Functions | F_LastStatus to get individual results).


INT_X : result of operation

17. F_Reset_Target

General Description

Generate short reset pulse on target device’s reset line. The length of the reset pulse can be selected using configuration options. The “ResetTimeIndex” is used to select pre-set times, or for custom setup select the last index and specify “ResetPulseTime”, and “ResetIdleTime”.





Select FPA to perform operation on using Multi API-DLL Functions | F_Set_FPA_index, index 1 to 64. Use index 0 to perform operation on all FPAs (if results differ, use Multi API-DLL Functions | F_LastStatus to get individual results).


INT_X : result of operation

18. F_Get_Targets_Vcc

General Description

Get Vcc in millivolts as read from target device.

This function is supported on all adapters (USB-FPA 6.1, XStream-Iso, and XStreamPro-Iso).





Select FPA to perform operation on using Multi API-DLL Functions | F_Set_FPA_index, index 1 to 64. Use index 0 to perform operation on all FPAs (if results differ, use Multi API-DLL Functions | F_LastStatus to get individual results).


INT_X : returns target voltage in millivolts

19. F_Get_Power_Results

General Description

Read detailed Voltage and Current measurement results based on General Configuration | Power Monitor. This function will query the adapter for the latest measurement sample and copy those results into the xs_adc structure.

This function is supported only on XStream-Iso, and XStreamPro-Iso adapters. The USB-FPA 6.1 adapter will return FALSE.



double *xs_adc : pointer to instance of XS_ADC and doubles array, i.e.


Select FPA to perform operation on using Multi API-DLL Functions | F_Set_FPA_index, index 1 to 64.


INT_X : result of operation

  • FALSE (0) : failed - USB-FPA 6.1 adapter detected

  • TRUE (1) : succeeded - XStream-Iso, and XStreamPro-Iso adapter detected

  • FPA_INVALID_NO (-2 or 0xFFFFFFFE) : FPA not opened with Multi API-DLL Functions | F_OpenInstancesAndFPAs or index out of range


Power Monitor - Reading Voltage and Current Samples

20. F_Get_Last_Power_Results_data

General Description

This function is almost identical to F_Get_Power_Results except that the adapter is not queried. The value returned is simply the last value saved in memory from the last F_Get_Power_Results call.

This function is supported only on XStream-Iso, and XStreamPro-Iso adapters. The USB-FPA 6.1 adapter will return FALSE.



double *xs_adc : pointer to instance of XS_ADC and doubles array, i.e.


Select FPA to perform operation on using Multi API-DLL Functions | F_Set_FPA_index, index 1 to 64.


INT_X : result of operation

  • FALSE (0) : failed - USB-FPA 6.1 adapter detected

  • TRUE (1) : succeeded - XStream-Iso, and XStreamPro-Iso adapter detected

  • FPA_INVALID_NO (-2 or 0xFFFFFFFE) : FPA not opened with Multi API-DLL Functions | F_OpenInstancesAndFPAs or index out of range


Refer to Generic Functions | F_Get_Power_Results

21. F_XS_Clr_ADC_av_history

General Description

Clear values accumulated in measurement history. Useful for resetting long running averages.

This function is supported only on XStream-Iso, and XStreamPro-Iso adapters. The USB-FPA 6.1 adapter will return FALSE.





Select FPA to perform operation on using Multi API-DLL Functions | F_Set_FPA_index, index 1 to 64. Use index 0 to perform operation on all FPAs (if results differ, use Multi API-DLL Functions | F_LastStatus to get individual results).


INT_X : result of operation


Refer to Generic Functions | F_Get_Power_Results

22. F_XS_Update_HW_State

General Description

Set pull-up resistor mode and current measurement sensitivity.

This function is supported only on the XStreamPro-Iso adapter. The USB-FPA 6.1 and XStream-Iso adapter will return FALSE.



BYTE mode : set, or clear flag

  • MODE_XS_IO_SET_FLAGS (0x12) - set flag chosen in data

  • MODE_XS_IO_CLR_FLAGS (0x13) - clear flag chosen in data

INT_X data : bit-wise OR of bits to affect (set or clear)

  • IO_PULLUP_EN (1) - change pull-up resistor mode, disable for current measurement

  • FORCE_ICC_LOW_SENSITIVITY (2) - Low Sensitivity only (20uA - 200mA)

  • FORCE_ICC_HI_SENSITIVITY (4) - Hi Sensitivity only (50nA - 0.6mA)

NOTE: If FORCE_ICC_LOW_SENSITIVITY and FORCE_ICC_HI_SENSITIVITY flags are cleared then adapter is in Automatic (50nA - 200mA) mode. If both flags are set, adapter will default to Low Sensitivity mode.

Automatic mode is generally preferred, but in automatic mode, around 5 samples will be lost if current fluctuations cause the adapter to switch from Hi-to-Low, or Low-to-Hi mode. If the user is only interested in measuring small currents, then setting to Hi Sensitivity is preferred. In Hi Sensitivity mode samples above 0.6mA will saturate at that value. In Low Sensitivity mode samples below 20uA will be noise.

Select FPA to perform operation on using Multi API-DLL Functions | F_Set_FPA_index, index 1 to 64.


INT_X : result of operation


Refer to Generic Functions | F_Get_Power_Results

23. F_XS_Current_zeroing

General Description

Calibration function that can be used to improve the results of Current measurement. No targets should be connected to the adapter.

This function is supported only on XStream-Iso, and XStreamPro-Iso adapters. The USB-FPA 6.1 adapter will return FALSE.



int state: calibration steps, from 0 to 100 (inclusive)

char *txt : comment related to currently executing part of zeroing procedure - the same as it is displayed in GUI


Select FPA to perform operation on using Multi API-DLL Functions | F_Set_FPA_index, index 1 to 64.


INT_X : result of operation

  • FALSE (0) : failed - USB-FPA 6.1 adapter detected

  • TRUE (1) : succeeded - XStream-Iso, and XStreamPro-Iso adapter detected

  • FPA_INVALID_NO (-2 or 0xFFFFFFFE) : FPA not opened with Multi API-DLL Functions | F_OpenInstancesAndFPAs or index out of range


Power Monitor - Calibration

24. F_Set_fpa_io_state

General Description

Set state of the Reset, Vcc and JTAG lines after programming is finished.



BYTE jtag : set JTAG lines (TMS, TCK, TDI)

  • DEFAULT_JTAG_3ST (0) : JTAG lines set to tri-state

  • DEFAULT_JTAG_HI (1) : JTAG lines set to Vcc

  • DEFAULT_JTAG_LO (2) : JTAG lines set to GND

BYTE reset : set reset line

  • DEFAULT_RESET_LO (0) : reset line set to GND

  • DEFAULT_RESET_HI (1) : reset line set to Vcc

  • DEFAULT_RESET_3ST (2) : reset line to tri-state

BYTE VccOn : set Vcc line from adapter

  • 0 : set to tri-state

  • 1 : set to configured Vcc (configuration parameter VccFromFPAin mV)


Select FPA to perform operation on using Multi API-DLL Functions | F_Set_FPA_index, index 1 to 64. Use index 0 to perform operation on all FPAs (if results differ, use Multi API-DLL Functions | F_LastStatus to get individual results).


INT_X : result of operation

25. F_Get_Sector_Size

General Description

Will return the segment/sector size for memory region that contains given address. This function will access the FPA’s meta-data for the target device specified in configuration options. No communication with target device actually takes place.



INT X address : address contained by segment/sector


Select FPA to perform operation on using Multi API-DLL Functions | F_Set_FPA_index, index 1 to 64. Use index 0 to perform operation on all FPAs (if results differ, use Multi API-DLL Functions | F_LastStatus to get individual results).


INT_X : result of operation


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