C# Code Sequence particulars

C# Code Sequence particulars

Calling library functions in C# is very similar to the C/C++ example below from the Basic Demo Code Sequence. The only significant difference is the necessity to use the Marshal class when passing pointers.

using System.Runtime.InteropServices; //add to top of source code to include Marshal

For example, when getting the F_Report_Message() string value, it should be retrieved as follows:

String text; text = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(FLASHPROM_API.F_Report_Message());

Another commonly used example is reading and writing using byte arrays, i.e. using functions F_Read_Bytes_Block() and F_Write_Bytes_Block_to_RAM()

int response; const Int32 size = 64; Int32 addr; byte []data_block = new byte[size]; IntPtr data_block_ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(data_block[0]) * data_block.Length); addr = mcu.x.RAMStartAddr;//or use custom address for(k=0; k<size; k++) data_block[k] = (byte)(0x30 + k); try { Marshal.Copy(data_block, 0, data_block_ptr, size); unsafe { //---------------------------------------------------- response = FLASHPROM_API.F_Write_Bytes_Block_to_RAM(addr, size, (byte*)data_block_ptr); //---------------------------------------------------- } } finally { Marshal.FreeHGlobal(data_block_ptr); }
int response; const Int32 size = 64; byte[] data_block = new byte[size]; IntPtr data_block_ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(data_block[0]) * data_block.Length); addr = mcu.x.RAMStartAddr;//or use custom address //---------------------------------------------------- try { unsafe { response = FLASHPROM_API.F_Read_Bytes_Block(addr, size, (byte*)data_block_ptr); } Marshal.Copy(data_block_ptr, data_block, 0, data_block.Length); } finally { Marshal.FreeHGlobal(data_block_ptr); }

Basic code example is compatible with C#, and can be found here: C/C++ Basic Demo Code Sequence

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