Multi API-DLL Functions

Multi API-DLL Functions

These functions operate on meta-data within the Multi API-DLL and help manage the underlying API-DLL instances. These functions do not directly program target devices. Use these functions to initialize the desired number of FPAs, selected all or one FPA(s), read FPA serial numbers, or clean-up resources used by Elprotronic’s DLLs.

Once the desired FPAs have been successfully opened, use Generic Functions to initialize the FPAs, and configure them for the target device(s) being programmed.


1. F_OpenInstancesAndFPAs

General Description

Multi API-DLL scans USB ports or LAN for connected FPAs listed in the setup file, or input string. When an FPA listed in the setup file is found, the corresponding API-DLL is copied on disk if necessary, and loaded. F_Initialization should be called for each FPA after this function succeeds.


INT_X F_OpenInstancesAndFPAs( char * FileName )


char * FileName : path to setup file, or list of serial numbers.

Valid FPAs-setup.ini setup file lists FPAs and SN pairs.

FPA-1 20150003 FPA-2 20180134 --or-- FPA-1 20090123 FPA-2 * //any serial number (can only be done at last line)

Valid FPAsIPs.ini, setup file lists FPAs by IP address:


Invalid example:

FPA-1 * //this line will be read FPA-2 * //this line will be ignored

Valid list of serial numbers as a string:

"*# FPA-1 20090123 FPA-2 20090346"

translates to:

FPA-1 20090123 FPA-2 20090346

input string: "*# *" translates to:

FPA-1 *

In both cases, for the setup file and the input string, if a specified FPA is missing then it will not
affect subsequent entries. Therefore, a setup file with these contents:

FPA-1 20090123 FPA-2 20090346 FPA-3 20090222 FPA-4 20090245

and with FPA-3 missing (not connected, etc.) will initialize the Multi API-DLL to:

FPA-1 20090123 FPA-2 20090346 FPA-3 empty FPA-4 20090245


INT_X : number of instances opened successfully

  • 0 - failed

2. F_CloseInstances

General Description

All FPAs terminate communication with target devices and close target devices according to configuration settings (power setting, adapter line states, etc.). Finally, the USB/Ethernet connections to the FPAs are terminated and API-DLL instances are freed. The Multi API-DLL can now be used to open a new set of FPAs using the function F_OpenInstancesAndFPAs.


INT_X F_CloseInstances ( void );




INT_X : success or failed

  • TRUE (1) - success

  • FALSE (0) - failed

3. F_Set_FPA_index

General Description

Select desired FPA index to perform specific tasks (access specific API-DLL instance).


INT_X F_Set_FPA_index ( BYTE fpa );


BYTE fpa : desired FPA index, 1 to 64, or 0 for all


INT_X : success or error


Other functions that try to access this FPA index will also return FPA_INVALID_NO if this function was not called with a proper parameter.

4. F_Get_FPA_index

General Description

Get current FPA index.


BYTE F_Get_FPA_index( void );




BYTE : current FPA index as set using F_Set_FPA_index

5. F_Check_FPA_index

General Description

Get current FPA index and check if index is valid. A valid index corresponds to an individual FPA that has been opened with F_OpenInstancesAndFPAs. If FPA index was set to 0 (all), then this function will only return 0, even if no FPAs are open. Does not indicate whether FPA index is enabled or disabled.


INT_X F_Check_FPA_index ( void );




INT_X : current fpa index if valid

6. F_Enable_FPA_index

General Description

Enable desired FPA index to accept commands. An FPA index is enabled by default. A disabled FPA index will ignore commands when the FPA index is set to it, or 0 (all FPAs).


void F_Enable_FPA_index ( BYTE fpa );


BYTE fpa : desired FPA index, 1 to 64



7. F_Disable_FPA_index

General Description

Disable desired FPA index to ignore commands. An FPA index is enabled by default. A disabled FPA index will ignore commands when the FPA index is set to it, or 0 (all FPAs).


void F_Disable_FPA_index ( BYTE fpa );


BYTE fpa : desired FPA index, 1 to 64



8. F_LastStatus

General Description

Return value from the last function call issued to the specified FPA (API-DLL instance). This function is useful when multiple FPAs are being programmed using FPA index 0 (all), but the return value was not the same for all FPAs (i.e. 4 FPAs succeeded, 1 FPA failed). When the return value is not the same for all FPAs then, then the actual return value from the Multi API-DLL will be FPA_UNMATCHED_RESULTS. To find out per FPA return values, select each FPA index individually using F_Set_FPA_index, and call F_LastStatus for each index.


INT_X F_LastStatus ( BYTE fpa );


BYTE fpa : desired FPA index, 1 to 64.


INT_X : Last return value from the selected FPA (API-DLL instance).

9. F_Multi_DLLTypeVer

General Description

Get Multi API-DLL software version number.


INT_X F_Multi_DLLTypeVer( void );




INT X : (DLL_ID) | (Version)

  • // return Type + Version // Type 0x6000 - Multi-FPA FlashPro430 // 0x7000 - Multi-FPA GangPro430 // 0x8000 - Multi-FPA FlashPro-CC // 0x9000 - Multi-FPA GangPro-CC // 0xC000 - Multi-FPA FlashPro2000 // 0xD000 - Multi-FPA GangPro2000 // 0x10000 - Multi-FPA FlashPro-ARM // 0x11000 - Multi-FPA GangPro-ARM // 0x17000 - Multi-FPA FlashPro-M // 0x18000 - Multi-FPA GangPro-M // Version = 0x0FFF & version
  • FPA_INVALID_NO (-2 or 0xFFFFFFFE) : FPA not opened with Multi API-DLL Functions | F_OpenInstancesAndFPAs or index out of range

10. F_Get_FPA_SN

General Description

Get serial number (SN) of FPA assigned to specified index.


INT_X F_Get_FPA_SN ( BYTE fpa );


BYTE fpa : desired FPA index, 1 to 64


INT_X : serial number

11. F_Get_FPA_Label

General Description

Get detailed information of FPA assigned to specified index.


INT_X F_Get_FPA_Label ( BYTE fpa, BYTE *label );


BYTE fpa : desired FPA index, 1 to 64.

BYTE *label : pointer to instance of FPA_LABEL and bytes array, i.e.

FPA_LABEL inst; F_Get_FPA_Label(i, inst.bytes); //get label for FPA-i
#define ADAPTER_HARDWARE_PN_SIZE 16 #define ADAPTER_DESCRIPTION_SIZE 32 #define FPA_LABEL_SIZE ((ADAPTER_HARDWARE_PN_SIZE + ADAPTER_DESCRIPTION_SIZE)*sizeof(char) + 12*sizeof(BYTE) + sizeof(long)) union FPA_LABEL { BYTE bytes[ FPA_LABEL_SIZE ]; struct { long SN; BYTE hardware_ID; BYTE hardware_SubID; BYTE full_access; BYTE Interface_Type; BYTE Valid_access_key; BYTE spare3; BYTE spare4; BYTE spare5; BYTE spare6; BYTE spare7; BYTE spare8; BYTE spare9; char adapter_hardware_PN[ ADAPTER_HARDWARE_PN_SIZE ]; char adapter_description[ ADAPTER_DESCRIPTION_SIZE ]; }x; };


INT_X : serial number, hardware ID, meta-data

Example of printing FPA_LABEL:

std::stringstream msg; msg << "INIT: " << (i) << ": Get_FPA_Label, SN=" << inst.x.SN << "\r\n"; msg << "INIT: HW ID=" << (int)inst.x.hardware_ID << ", HW sub-ID=" << (int)inst.x.hardware_SubID << "\r\n"; msg << "INIT: Full Access=" << (int)inst.x.full_access << ", Interface Type=" << (int)inst.x.Interface_Type << "\r\n"; msg << "INIT: Access Key=" << (int)inst.x.Valid_access_key << "\r\n"; msg << "INIT: HW PN=" << inst.x.adapter_hardware_PN << "\r\n"; msg << "INIT: Adapter Desc=" << inst.x.adapter_description;


12. F_Get_FPA_List

General Description

This function will print the metadata about all avaialble FPAs that are connected to the computer, up to a maximum of 64 adapters.




ALL_FPA_LIST *FPA_List: pointer to array of ALL_FPA_LIST structs, i.e.

#define MAX_ID_DESC 15 #define MAX_ACCESS_DESC 32 typedef struct { UINT32 active; UINT32 SN; UINT32 CommType; UINT32 HW_ID; UINT32 HW_rev; char text[MAX_ID_DESC+1]; char access_text[MAX_ACCESS_DESC+1]; } ALL_FPA_LIST; //i.e.: ALL_FPA_LIST FPA_List[MAX_USB_DEV_NUMBER]; //F_Get_FPA_List(FPA_List); INT_X MSPPRG_API F_Get_FPA_List( ALL_FPA_LIST * FPA_List ); // FPA_List -> size MAX_USB_DEV_NUMBER


INT_X : number of active adapters

13. F_GetProgressBar

General Description

Get internal progress counter value for operations done inside Encapsulated Functions . When used in conjunction with F_GetLastOpCode it allows the user application to keep track of progress in the same way that the FlashPro-M/GangPro-M GUI does.

Will return value between 0 and 100 for current sub-operation being performed inside encapsulated function. Depending on the complexity of the encapsulated function, the number of sub-operations will vary. Use F GetLastOpCode to get currently running sub-operation opcode. When transitioning from one sub-operation that reached a progress value of 100, to another sub-operation, the progress value will restart at 0. This will repeat until the last sub-operation upon which the progress value will remain at 100. A new invocation of an encapsulated function will restart the progress value at 0.

This function is thread-safe, therefore it can be called while the Multi API-DLL is busy, for example running F_AutoProgram. Intended usage is to call an encapsulated function with one thread, and repeatedly call this function and F_GetLastOpCode with another thread. When simultaneously programming using multiple FPAs (fpa index set to 0 (ALL FPAs), the thread monitoring progress can iterate different input parameters (fpa=1, fpa=2, fpa=3, etc.) to monitor the progress of each FPA individually. This function cannot be called with parameter 0 (ALL FPAs).


INT_X MSPPRG_API F_GetProgressBar( BYTE fpa );


BYTE fpa : desired FPA index, 1 to 64.


INT_X : progress indicator


Refer to Multi API-DLL Functions | F_GetLastOpCode

14. F_GetLastOpCode

General Description

Read internal opcode value for sub-operations done inside Encapsulated Functions. When used in conjunction with F_GetProgressBar it allows the user application to keep track of progress in the same way that the FlashPro-M/GangPro-M GUI does.

Will return opcode for current sub-operation being performed inside encapsulated function. Depending on the complexity of the encapsulated function, the number of sub-operations will vary. Use F_GetProgressBar to get progress value between 0 and 100, of currently running sub-operation. When transitioning from one sub-operation that reached a progress value of 100, to another sub-operation, the progress value will restart at 0 and the opcode will be set to the new sub-operation, currently being run. This will repeat until the last sub-operation upon which the opcode will not change. A new invocation of an encapsulated function will reset the opcode to the first sub-operation of the new encapsulated function.

This function is thread-safe, therefore it can be called while the Multi API-DLL is busy, for example running F_AutoProgram. Intended usage is to call an encapsulated function with one thread, and repeatedly call this function and F_GetProgressBar with another thread. When simultaneously programming using multiple FPAs (fpa index set to 0 (ALL FPAs), the thread monitoring progress can iterate different input parameters (fpa=1, fpa=2, fpa=3, etc.) to monitor the progress of each FPA individually. This function cannot be called with parameter 0 (ALL FPAs).


INT_X MSPPRG_API F_GetLastOpCode( BYTE fpa );


BYTE fpa : desired FPA index, 1 to 64.


INT_X : opcode of currently running sub-operation

  • PROG_OPCODE_VERIFY_ACCESS (1) : FPA is attempting to perform action described in F_Verify_Access to MCU.

  • PROG_OPCODE_FLASH_ERASE (2) : FPA is attempting to perform action described in F_Memory_Erase.

  • PROG_OPCODE_FLASH_BLANK_CHECK (3) : FPA is attempting to perform action described in F_Memory_Blank_Check.

  • PROG_OPCODE_FLASH_SELECTED_BLANK_CHECK (4) : FPA is attempting to perform action described in F_Memory_Blank_Check when a subset of the memory space is selected in configuration settings.

  • PROG_OPCODE_FLASH_WRITE (5) : FPA is attempting to perform action described in F_Memory_Write.

  • PROG_OPCODE_FLASH_VERIFY (6) : FPA is attempting to perform action described in F_Memory_Verify.

  • PROG_OPCODE_FLASH_READ (7) : FPA is attempting to perform action described in F_Memory_Read.

  • PROG_OPCODE_LOCK_MCU (8) : FPA is attempting to perform action described in F_Lock_MCU.

  • PROG_OPCODE_UNLOCK_MCU (9) : FPA is attempting to perform action described in F_Clear_Locked_Device.

  • PROG_OPCODE_START_APP (10) : FPA is attempting to run application programmed onto target device (if enabled to be ran after F_AutoProgram in configuration settings).

  • FPA_INVALID_NO (-2 or 0xFFFFFFFE) : FPA not opened with Multi API-DLL Functions | F_OpenInstancesAndFPAs or index out of range


Progress Bar Monitor

15. F_CancelAction

General Description

Function that will attempt to cancel any running Encapsulated Functions , like the GUI Cancel button. This function is thread-safe. One thread can call F_AutoProgram (for example) and another thread can call F_CancelAction to stop the first. A reinitialization is recommended using F_OpenInstancesAndFPAs after calling this function.


INT_X MSPPRG_API F_CancelAction( BYTE fpa );


BYTE fpa : desired FPA index, 1 to 64.


INT_X : success or failed

  • TRUE (1) - success

  • FALSE (0) - failed

16. F_Trace_File

General Description

Set custom FileName for trace (used with Trace_ON). Set append flag true to keep previous contents.


INT_X F_Trace_File( char *FileName, bool append = false );


char *FileName : path to new trace file.
bool append : append to file if it already exists.


INT_X : success or failed in opening file

  • TRUE (1) - success

  • FALSE (0) - failed

17. F_Trace_Comment

General Description

Append a custom comment to current trace file.


void MSPPRG_API F_Trace_Comment(char *comment);


char *comment : comment to be added to trace file at current location in the trace.



18. F_Trace_ON

General Description

Activate tracing for subsequent calls to the Multi API-DLL. Log is saved in DLLtrace.txt located in the Multi API-DLL directory, or custom file if F_Trace_File function was called. When activated, records all API-DLL function calls from the application software invoked via the Multi API-DLL. The trace file is overwritten for each new session, unless the F_Trace_File append flag is true.


void F_Trace_ON( void );





19. F_Trace_OFF

General Description

Disable tracing.


void F_Trace_OFF( void );





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