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Description: Test connection via USB-dfu with MCU’s . Selected MCU’s is set in setup_file.cfg file. Output from command line interface is shown in Figure 4.

Command arguments:

  • target_cfg <setup filepath>: - path to setup file created in GUI that has the target parameters and other information;

  • cmd 2 -: optionaly agrument during connect operation(default cmd value is 2 - F_Connect()).


Description: Program the content of the specified binary file into device memory. The
programing operation is preceded by the erase operation before the Flash memory is
programmed . After programing memory is verify. Binary file, target MCUs and USB locations are set in setup_7targets.cfg file and usb_loc.cfg file. Output from command line interface are shown in Figure 5. (general report for all targets) and Figure 6.(detailed report for one of all targets).

Command arguments:

  • target_cfg <setup filepath>: - path to setup file created in GUI that has the target parameters and other information;

  • usb_cfg <usb setup filepath>: Path to USB configuration file created in GUI(Figure 3.) that specifies a fixed USB PORT/HUB allocation;

  • cmd 1 - : selected F_AutoProgram() operation.
