2. Programming flash memory and option bytes using FlashPro-ARM/GangPro-ARM on Windows
Configuration for FlashPro-ARM and GangPro-ARM is the same, but GangPro-ARM can program up to 6 device simultaneously.
Open FlashPro-ARM/GangPro-ARM software
Open Setup → SFI Setup Tabwindow
Set HSM card index(by default 1)
Check “Enable” box
Use “Browse” button and pick *.sfi file, generated by STM32TrustedPackageCreator
Check “Set log file path” box - only if want save in file you would like to save used licenses from HSM module (using saved licenses allows reprogramming of the same DUT without using HSM quota)
Use “Browse” button and set place where save log file with licenses should be saved
Press “Ok” button to save SFI setup